Holiday Shipping Deadlines

日期2024年11月22日–12月6日 | 網上 23900


成交總額 GBP 1,070,325



Christie’s Wine department presents the final sale of 2024, offering a number of superlative wine collections, alongside some of the finest and rarest spirits and fortified wines we have ever offered.

With 100% sell-through rate in our June online auction, this auction will feature further Ports directly from the cellars of Raby Castle in County Durham, having been purchased on release by the ancestors of the current Lord Barnard. This new selection will once again feature Dow’s 1924, Fonseca 1934 and the legendary Taylor’s 1948.

We are excited to present one of the most comprehensive collections of rare, distilled spirits and fortified wines from a notable European connoisseur. The collection includes three centuries of Cognac, 19th-century Armagnac, Rum and Calvados, and a unique collection of Madeira reaching back to 1715. An offering of venerable Bordeaux, Port and Rhône wines from a historic Cambridge College is also presented.

Another highlight is a rare Cognac newly released directly from Martell Cognac, offered in a unique handcrafted Baccarat decanter, the Martell 72-Year-Old Grande Champagne Cognac is one of Martell’s oldest Cognacs from its vast collection of over 10,000 eau-de-vie. The lot includes a once-in-a-lifetime experience at Maison Martell in Cognac with a tasting masterclass with Martell Cellar Master Christophe Valtaud, followed by a gastronomic dinner and a one-night stay at Château de Chanteloup, the historic home of the Martell family.

Curated by an international team of passionate and auction leading specialists, the Fine and Rare Wines and Spirits Online: London Edition sale will offer wines and spirits of the utmost rarity. We are currently inviting consignments for our upcoming sales in 2025. Please contact Noah May ( for a free and confidential valuation



    8 King Street St. James 's




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