Event Date23 AUG – 12 SEP 2024 | Online 23618

Firsts: The History of Computing from the Paul G. Allen Collection

New York
Sale Total USD 3,635,982

23 AUG – 12 SEP 2024

Sale Overview

Firsts: The History of Computing from the Paul G. Allen Collection presents important milestones in the history of computing, some of which have been preserved in working order. Initially focused on recovering software for the DEC PDP-10, Paul Allen's collection expanded to include hardware for many other systems as well. Iconic supercomputers such as the CDC-6500 and Cray 2 will be offered alongside early and influential microcomputers, like the Altair 8800 and Apple-1. These groundbreaking innovations were instrumental in shaping our modern world.

Lots from this online sale will be available for qualified bidders to view in Seattle, by limited appointment only: please email GenOne@christies.com for further information.

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