Sale Overview
Discover 44 works by Middle Eastern, Japanese and French artists from the Claude and France Lemand collection in our online charity auction I.M.A.gination, Bidding opens from 24 June – 16 July, all proceeds will go to help young artists during the COVID-19 crisis and to benefit the Claude and France Lemand-IMA Fund at the Institut du Monde Arabe. Parisian collectors and gallery owners, the Lemands have been presenting Middle Eastern Art in Paris since 1988. The fund aims to secure future acquisitions for the museum, organise exhibitions, undertake research and publish exhibition catalogues.
Selected highlights will be on view at our Paris galleries in two sessions, first from 26–30 June and then from 4–10 July, coinciding with the pre-sale exhibition of our world-first relay auction across four cities, ONE: A Global Sale of the 20th Century. With estimates ranging from €1,000–40,000, explore works by artists represented in the permanent collections of the Institut du Monde Arabe and other major international institutions.