This painting remains stable and in a reasonably good state of preservation, particularly with regard to the modelling of the flesh painting and tonal balance. Cleaning would prove beneficial in restoring clarity and depth of tone.
Support: The canvas has an old paste lining that maintains a good tension and appears structurally stable. An original, vertical seam is visible on the right side of the painting, an additional seam in the lining canvas is apparent on the left side and there is a right angled tear repair to the upper left corner.
Paint layer: The paint layer lacks clarity on close inspection particularly in the sky and darkest passages due to the presence of strengthened abrasion and aged varnish. The drawing, modeling and subtleties of colour and tone in the flesh painting remain in a good condition. A pentimento of the Saint’s thumb is visible.
Varnish: Ultra-violet fluorescence examination reveals a dense layer of aged varnish with restoration to minor tears and losses in the original canvas, including a small area beneath the arm of the Christ Child.
拍品 167拍卖编号 20554
Saint Anthony of Padua with the Infant ChristCARLO FRANCESCO NUVOLONE (MILAN 1609-1662)估价: GBP 15,000 - 25,000