日期3月7日 2PM – 3月21日 2PM GMT | 網上 22904

Old Master Prints

結束: 3 日

3月7日 2PM – 3月21日 2PM GMT


2024 saw the successes of the Old Master Prints sale in July and the two great collection sales in autumn — Exceptional Impressions: The Alan and Marianne Schwartz Collection in New York and The Sam Josefowitz Collection: Graphic Masterpieces by Rembrandt van Rijn – Part II in London. Following these remarkable results, Christie’s Old Master Prints returns in March 2025. The auction will offer an intriguing, varied selection of fine and rare prints spanning the first four centuries of printmaking in Europe, which will be sold online and exhibited alongside our Prints & Multiples and Contemporary Edition sales.
The majority of works come from three collections: an old private collection from Germany featuring some fine and important prints by Albrecht Dürer, including outstanding examples of his engravings Adam & Eve (1504), Knight, Death and the Devil (1513) and Melencolia I (1514), as well as other fascinating subjects by the German master; a refined private Swiss collection with a particular focus on Rembrandt’s landscapes; and a fascinating group of rare Italian and Northern prints from the collection of the Pontifical Scots College in Rome. The selection is complemented by exquisite examples of printed works by and after Albrecht Altdorfer, Jacques Bellange, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Daniel Hopfer, Marcantonio Raimondi, Raphael and many others. The auction presents an opportunity to acquire some of the most famous and striking images of European art and some curious finds from a variety of schools, periods, styles and techniques, with estimates ranging from £1,000 to £300,000.




    8 King Street St. James 's






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