日期2020年9月22日–10月8日 | 網上 19755


成交總額 USD 212,625



This fall, Christie’s will present Works by Robert Motherwell from the Dedalus Foundation, consisting of over 60 works by Robert Motherwell, including paintings, prints and works on paper. Founded by the artist in 1981, the Dedalus Foundation is devoted to preserving Motherwell’s artistic legacy and his archives, and has continued to support individuals and institutions through grants and programmatic initiatives. In this two-part sale, Christie’s will present a career-spanning selection of works from the Dedalus Foundation’s holdings, offering a unique opportunity to own a part of Motherwell’s legacy and the Dedalus Foundation’s history. The collection will be sold across the live Post-War and Contemporary Art Day sale on 7 October, 2020, at Christie’s New York, and in a dedicated online-only sale, Robert Motherwell Prints from the Dedalus Foundation, which will be open for bidding 22 September – 8 October, 2020.  All proceeds from the sales will benefit the Dedalus Foundation, a private nonprofit operating foundation.

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We welcome you to view by appointment in our galleries from 1-6 October. Please contact info@christies.com to set an appointment.



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