Sale Overview
Christie’s Sculpted by Nature online-only auction is dedicated to Natural History, and the naturally formed artworks created by tectonic forces on Earth and in outer space.
Naturally occurring geological formations and fossils are showcased alongside fine mineral specimens and dynamically shaped meteorites. Some have been cut and polished to reveal their inner beauty; all are highly sculptural and decorative, sitting comfortably in any interior setting.
The fossilized remains of extinct animals and mineral specimens from over 3.4 billion years ago through to the Age of Dinosaurs are a natural fit in a cabinet of curiosity. The sale is led by the leg of a Tyrannosaurid, a group of visually arresting sandstone formations termed gogottes, a specimen of the desert turned to glass by a lightning strike millions of years ago, and a plethora of fossil plaques exhibiting marine and amphibian specimens in a remarkable state of preservation.