日期2020年11月6日–11月20日 | 網上 20142

Voyage to Another World: The Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection

成交總額 GBP 1,564,875



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Part 2 >

Tracing the artistic heritage of the Apollo Missions and Golden Age of space exploration, the Victor Martin-Malburet collection comprises over 2,400 photographs arranged chronologically across 700 lots. Through their cameras the astronauts, turned artists, were able to convey to humanity the beauty and profundity of their experiences, forever changing the way we see our place in the Universe.

Many of the montaged panoramas give us a sense of what it felt to stand on another planetary body and admire the stark lonely beauty of the view, other photographs are unreleased rarities that may only be known in a handful of extant prints. Meticulous research including radio snippets from the missions and contemporary press coverage deepens the story of the Golden Age of space exploration, as told by both the astronauts and billions of observers on Earth. The accompanying pdf catalogue establishes the connection between the photographs and mission transcripts.

Highlights from the collection were exhibited in 2019 at: the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen; Grand Palais, Paris; and Kunsthaus, Zurich. For Victor the juxtaposition of these photographs alongside masterpieces from antiquity through to Rothko was the zenith of his vision, placing them within the grand narrative of human ingenuity and creativity. He is delighted to offer them at auction for others to now add to their collections.

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11月 6日 - 11月 19日 10AM (GMT)很多 1 - 324
11月 6日 - 11月 20日 10:01AM (GMT)很多 327 - 700



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